cinema trust The animated movie “Bebai Kahraman” became one billion dollars a day after it was released in cinemas across the country.
According to the public relations of the project, the animated film “Bebai Kahraman” directed by Hossein Safarzadegan and Maysham Hosseini and produced by Mohammad Mahdi Mashkuri attracted 18 thousand viewers and reached one billion sales.
Yesterday, in less than an hour, 1,000 tickets were sold for the opening ceremony of this animation, which is scheduled to be held today at 16:00 with the presence of TV dolls and familiar faces from the children’s field at Bagh Kitab cinema campus.
The version of the animated film series “Bebai Hero” had already been welcomed by the audience, especially children.
This movie animation tries to make its audience believe in the concept of “wanting is being able”.