Fire in the Hyrcanian forests is the work of enemies; The disastrous reaction of managers to an ugly incident

Trust cinema “I don’t know what movie it was, but they didn’t have permission”; These are the words of “Naghi Shabanian”, the deputy of the organization of affairs of forests, pastures and watershed of the country. There is a lot of talk about the movie in social networks. In this regard, Ravi wrote, “In order to make a documentary about the political events of the 60s, there were explosions in the forest park “Royan” of Mazandaran.”

According to Payam Ma newspaper, when the film crew was trying to increase the effectiveness of their work with special effects, they did not think of creating an explosion of reactions on social networks. Sheena Ansari, head of the Environmental Protection Organization, was one of the first officials to react to this issue. He wrote on the X social network: “After the release of videos about the damages caused by a film production group to the forests of Hyrkani, I inquired about the issue from the Mazandaran General Administration. The Environmental Organization has not issued a permit. It is expected that the Natural Resources Organization will correspond with the organization when issuing the permit about the consequences of the explosions on the wildlife of the region.

With this message, the Natural Resources Organization should have reacted; This reaction was a little late and not at the environmental level. The Director General of Mazandaran-Nowshahr Natural Resources and Watershed said that although arrangements have been made, written permission has not been issued and there has been no news of an explosion.

Shabanian, the deputy of the country’s organization of forests, pastures and watershed affairs, also told “Payam Ma” about this: “The filming team did not have permission. Our colleagues checked and sent me the photos. “The images do not show many destructive effects, and it seems that the flames were mostly special effects.”

However, this official emphasizes that lighting the flame in the forest and the noise it has created will damage the ecological balance that we must strive to maintain. Shabanian also about the fact that legal action will be taken against the film crew? He says: “We asked the General Directorate of Natural Resources to follow up on the matter legally, and they also asked the film crew and inquired about the cases.”

What movie is being made? This official does not have a clear answer to this question. At the same time, he adds: “I don’t know what happened, but it seems that it was necessary to light the flame. However, I would like to emphasize again that the destruction was not much when I saw the photos.

Is this level of degradation acceptable? Shabanian’s answer to this question is negative. He considers the Hyrcanian forests as a valuable ecosystem and adds: “Filming without permission is not justified. Talked to this group. They have stated that they intended to have a special effect and had no idea of ​​destruction.”

At the same time, the Deputy Director of the Country’s Forestry, Rangeland and Watershed Affairs Organization emphasizes that Royan Park was handed over to the municipality and issued a permit. He says: “Of course, all of us, from ordinary citizens to responsible organizations, are obliged to at least intervene in the forest; Because any interference has its own consequences.

Shabanian says once again that he does not know what kind of film was made and adds: “In any case, they have been identified and warned, and follow-up is being done.”

On the other hand

The commander of the Mazandaran army, denying the firing of the film crew in the Hirkani forest of Mazandaran, said: “Some of the opponents in this incident were looking for marginalization for the film crew.”

Tasnim wrote from Sari: Sardar Siavash Muslimi, the commander of Karbala, Mazandaran, mentioned to the journalists the release of the film of the fire of the film crew in the forest of Mazandaran and stated: The filming of this crew will be completed by October 15, and all legal correspondence with natural resources, etc. and we did not have any tree destruction or fire.

He stated that the enemies, enemies and conspirators were looking for a subject in this case, and added: “All the documents of the film crew were in the possession of the director general of the environment, and the necessary measures were taken by the people involved in the movie, and the environment and the prosecutor’s office were also sent to the filming area.” They visited and could not find any damage.

The reaction of managers is a bigger disaster than an explosion

“Hanifreza Golzar”, a senior water and soil expert, believes that the series of events that have occurred in recent years in the issue of natural resources and Hyrkani as the eye and light of the environment and natural resources, shows the position of protection as the first and most important pillar of the mission of the weaker natural resources organization. has been He told “Piyam Ma” that according to the description of duties, the organization of natural resources and watershed has four duties of preservation, restoration, development and exploitation. But since its establishment, this organization has followed the opposite path. That is, instead of protection as the first step, he went to exploitation from the very beginning.

He cites the experience of 60 years of exploitation based on forestry plans as a proof for this statement and adds: until now, no official report has been submitted about the expenditure of the revenues obtained from the exploitations.

Naghi Shabanian: All of us, from ordinary citizens to responsible organizations, are obliged to have minimal interference in the forest. Because any interference has its own consequences

According to Golzar, after the breathing project was stopped, there was an expectation that the Natural Resources Organization would put conservation on the agenda, but again, conservation was neglected and the third option, development, was considered. He says: The planting of one billion saplings was in line with the development plans, which will not be completed.

This water and soil expert believes that the natural resources organization does not have a clear view on the protection category and in this short century, that is, since the establishment of this organization until now, development discussions have been more important. He adds: We are faced with a structure that does not hear the sound of the offender’s chainsaw, and the offender blocks the road with cut trees.

Golzar continues: This organization did not hear about what happened to the Zaramrud dam workshop and destroyed a large part of the region. As we witnessed these inattentions in the incident of Ilmalat.

Pointing out that the situation has reached a point where the authorities do not even hear the sound of the explosion, Golzar says: without compliments or slander, we are faced with a weak structure for the protection of natural resources.

He adds: We are facing two tragedies these days; The first one is the explosion that occurred, and the second one, which is worse than the first one, is the way the Director General of Natural Resources of West Mazandaran faced and analyzed. Instead of taking responsibility and clearly declaring that he is pursuing legal action, he talks about not giving a written permission or a notice. Not from the explosion and…; Why shouldn’t he defend his organizational structure instead of justifying it?!

According to this expert, the director general of natural resources of the province should enter as the public prosecutor. He says: How to react was more disappointing than the incident itself, and this encourages others to behave like this.

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