to report Trust cinemaShahab Hosseini, actor and short film festival judge, wrote: Greetings and respect
During a call from the secretary of the short film festival, I was informed that after my speech at the closing ceremony, the impression was created that my objection was to meddling in the judging votes in the national section.
It should be noted that the votes of the honorable jury were in accordance with the choices that were made, and if there was an intention to interfere in the votes of the jury in the form of an order, I would have withdrawn immediately; Because the dignity of the jury is over any expediency.
It was meant for weak and ineffective works that were appreciated by unrelated and non-expert organizations and institutions, and the point is that such support can happen rightly and not just because of the criteria they are looking for. .
They tried to turn the target of this criticism towards Mr. Motamedi, and it is necessary to mention that this is not the case at all, and he, like any other teacher, has the right to encourage his successor.
Hoping for the day when everything will be in its right place and God blesses us with the blessing of distinguishing and distinguishing things and guiding them to the right path.
The youngest Seyyed Shahabuddin Hosseini”