to report Trust cinemaThe publication of the names of the members of the Fajr Film Festival Policy Council, which is about two months away from its holding, has had different reflections and perceptions and can be evaluated from many aspects. The formation of a council with the presence of Mohammad Mahdi Heydarian, Seyed Mohammad Beheshti, Hossein Tzamami, Farhad Tahidi, Alireza Shuja Nouri, Mohammad Mehdi Asgarpour, Alireza Tabesh, Manouchehr Mohammadi and Manouchehr Shahsawari, one of the first questions that comes with it is what kind of policy is going to be implemented in the festival. Fajr this year should be applied to the names that each of them directly or indirectly played a role in holding this film festival.
According to ISNA, of course, the words of Seyyed Abbas Salehi – Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance – in the first meeting of this council can be found reasons for the arrangement of this council; including reducing mistrust, trying to bring back angry cinematographers and audiences, creating more convergence and making tangible changes for artists.
Salehi also emphasized: We may not be able to fulfill all the wishes in this year’s festival, but the vision must be defined and the path forward based on it.
In this context, Seyyed Mohammad Beheshti, who has been the secretary of the Fajr Film Festival from the third to the twelfth period, in an interview with ISNA about the Policy Council of the Fajr Festival and its function in the short period of time left until the festival is established, stated: Basically, the film festival Fajr Nowruz is the cinema of the country, which means that it is an event and a celebration in which a series of opportunities are provided, including that the cinema presents its performance of the past year. Of course, of everything that happened in the last year of cinema, only two or three months of it are related to this period.
He added: Of course, during this period of the festival, most of the performance of the previous government should be watched, but another point is that the Fajr festival usually provides a vision for the next year; It’s like an announcement that specifies which direction the cinema is going and what goals it anticipates. Anyway, Fajr festival itself is not a film producer, but it provides the opportunity to examine these approaches.
Beheshti also asked whether this council was formed mostly for the reconciliation of cinematographers. He said: It seems that this point is also present in it, while the members of this council all have a long history in this field, and this issue indicates the elitist and specialist approach of the government, which keeps people with knowledge and experience away from the issue. has also collected