According to Khabaronline news agency, three companies David Sachs Productions, Mark Goffman and Gateway Entertainment are collaborating to produce a feature film about Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious founder of Bitcoin, and Sophia Banks will be the director of this film.
According to Isna, the film, which is inspired by Andrew O’Hagan’s long-form article titled “The Satoshi Story”, explores the mysteries surrounding the mysterious creator of the world’s revolutionary digital currency and combines investigative journalism with compelling storytelling.
“It’s like watching ‘The Social Network,’ but without knowing who Mark Zuckerberg’s character is,” Sachs said of the project. I’m glad we have the right team to bring O’Hagan’s research to life and the events that followed.”
According to Deadline, David Sacks and Daniel Brandt bought the rights to publish the article and gave it to their longtime colleague, Mark Goffman, to adapt a screenplay based on it and produce the project with Sacks and Brandt. Also, Damiano Tucci, Banks and Arvin Ellis Dayton and David Simmer are on board as executive producers.
The film follows the dramatic events that lead O’Hagan to investigate this unknown figure, known only as Satoshi Nakamoto, and his efforts to uncover the true identity of the mysterious inventor behind the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. O’Hagan’s article was first published in the “London Review of Books” magazine and then published in a collection titled “The Hidden Life” by Fiber Publishing. O’Hagan’s search for the truth takes the audience on a journey through the world of technological innovation that has revolutionized the global financial system, as well as strange and unpredictable characters.
Damiano Tucci, one of the producers of this film project, said: “We are very excited to be working with David, Daniel and Mark on this project. The story of the creator of Bitcoin has fascinated the world for years. We look forward to delving into one of the greatest mysteries of the modern era and taking a deeper look into the world of digital currencies.”
“What’s interesting to me is that this movie isn’t about cryptocurrency scammers or even greed,” Goffman added. This is the story of the neglected and damaged people who rose up against Wall Street after the 2008 financial crisis took everything from them and millions of others. They have created a currency that has revolutionized the global financial industry.”
Project director Sophia Banks, who is known for character-driven and thought-provoking narratives, said of the film: “The challenge of bringing such a complex story to life is one I eagerly accept. This film not only answers the question “Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?” , but will examine the cultural and technological effects of Bitcoin’s creation that continue to affect our world.”