According to the Khabar Online news agency, citing the public relations of the Center for the Development of Documentary, Experimental and Animation Cinema, the executive program of the workshops of the 18th “Cinema-Ghekrit” festival has been announced, and all these programs will be held in Hall 4.
On Monday, December 19th, the workshop “New Imaging Tools in Documentary Cinema” will be held by Aristotle Madaghi Givi from 14:00 to 15:40 and “Social Documentary” with Zhao Liang from 16:00 to 17:40.
On Tuesday, December 20th, from 15:40 to 16:40, the workshop “Basics of oral history and its requirements in documentary film” will be held by the association of documentary directors and by Guderz Rashtiani.
On Wednesday, December 21, the workshop “Artificial Intelligence and the Challenge of Trust” Artificial Intelligence and Philosophical and Social Aspects” is organized by the Documentary Directors Association and by Amirhassan Mousavi (Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science and Technology) and Soroush Zargarbashi (Ph.D. student in Reliable Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bonn in Germany) from 15:00 to 16:40 .
On Thursday, December 22nd, Saifullah Samadian will hold a workshop on the topic of “Photography as raw material in documentary cinema” from 15:00 to 16:40.
On Friday, December 23, three workshops will be held: “Artificial Intelligence and the Credit of Documentary Cinema” by the representative of the Documentary Cinema Director’s Guild and the representative of the Documentary Cinema Producers Guild and with the panel management of Masoud Sefalai from 14:00 to 15:40, the workshop “Contract writing for projects “Cinema in Iran” by the association of documentary producers and managed by Alireza Hosseini’s panel and Vahid Aghaz’s presence from 16:40 to 17:40, as well as “Documentary cinema and archeology” with Richard Pettigrew at 18:00 It will be held at 19:40.
On Saturday, December 24th, the workshop “Creative use of archival sources in documentary cinema” will be held by the Association of Documentary Directors and Mehrdad Zahedian from 16:00 to 17:40 and Joshua Oppenheimer’s online master class will be held with the presence of Ahmed Elesti from 18:00 to 19:40 .
The 18th international festival of “Truth Cinema” will be held from December 18 to 25 under the direction of Mohammad Hamidi Moghadam in Charso campus.