Parisa Sassani: The documentary film “Slowness” directed by Farzad Zamani Shorabi, which will be screened at the 18th edition of the “Truth Cinema” international festival, is about the famous Iranian photojournalist Afshin Vali-nejad, who during his time as a reporter covered important news events, including the Fukushima nuclear accident, in wartime conditions. and chemical with 400,000 photos.
Vali Nejad, who used to record various subjects of important historical events, has now become the subject of Farzad Shourabi in the movie documentary “Slowness” and has talked about his difficult professional days in the field of news and photojournalism.
This famous Iranian journalist and photographer told KhabarOnline reporter: My profession and interest in life have always been news and I have done many activities in this field, but now I am living with Parkinson’s disease and I am happy to show part of my actions in the documentary “Slowness”. I have expressed it so that maybe it can open the way for the respectable and honorable profession of news.
Afshin Vali-nejad continued: I was not an unknown journalist during my career and I always worked with big news companies and had the opportunity to gain useful experiences in the midst of global crises.
He added: I was the only person who went there to take photos when the tsunami hit Japan and the Fukushima nuclear power plant was damaged, and I was exposed to nuclear radiation, but I did my job.
In response to the question of how was working with Zamani Shorabi? He stated: Considering my illness and physical condition, Mr. Farzad once supported me a lot. Because the making of this documentary took more than two and a half years and he patiently finished this documentary.
It is necessary to explain that the documentary “Slowness” is a video narration of a conversation, a letter, a letter from Matin Vali-Najad, the daughter of this professional journalist, to her father. This film will be screened on Thursday, December 22 at 21:00 at the 18th “Truth Cinema” festival in the semi-length documentary section.
Afshin Vali-nejad is one of the best Iranian journalists and photographers. He was the only journalist to report and photograph the Japanese tsunami after all journalists had left due to the danger of leaking nuclear facilities. Afshin has worked in major media such as Associated Press and NHK, and in the seventies he was a reporter for Jamia and Toos newspapers in Iran.