The money that is better spent on building schools is spent on making movies that cannot be talked about.

cinema trust Majid Barzegar( filmmaker) at the Iranian Cinema Conference, a look at the future in the “Iranian Cinema Economy” panel about CapacityTheHi cinema independent, said: withto hear discussion Hi frequent economy cinema open in one Labyrinth strange stuckwe did. when discussion Hi scientific in cinema particle for direct object in my mind review may do thatwhy from landscape economic none a place we don’t have. to none an answer notThedrawing exceptthat probably cinema Iran notThewill come in industrial to become to be.

V continue gave: look staring to camera sovereignty on camera cinema IransomethingTheset that if something that I want don’t say, you particle for direct object remove mayThedo. it is herethat the spectator trust self particle for direct object ratio to movie I see particle for direct object from hand may to give and alonecinematic that has managed value added had be, cinema independent Iran is.

Barzegar added: status cinema independent to CheekTheis that badge mayTheto givemayThecan each time audience self particle for direct object find slow down.

this filmmaker continue gave: from between 100 a movie that production may to be only 90 moviefor sale made mayThebecome that maybe five Tai itTheI see sale had to bebut economy in cinema independent by the way rightThemore and healthyThemore is and at leastmoney self particle for direct object DermiThebring.

Barzegar note did: none preparationThedoerThe government worried sale self is not and untilyour heart want people we have that realized letterTheI see notThebecome and moneyThethose thatmaybe better is expense school make to be, expense make movieThethose mayTheto bethat able to say and letter hit are not. but in all this year I see must from gentlemenpiety and an oval andmayThethey wanted that you only come on movie make and to weaddition do.

V expression did: the reason death unknown in year 99 production became and four year Bnone a reason Screening did not happen and despite welcome good that done is if Selling it 10 equal to too to be open with dissatisfaction existing notTheI can in this year such a movie particle for direct objectmake.

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