Cinema TrustAli Molagholi Pour, a living son of Rasoul Molagholi Pour, a prominent Iranian cinema director who has produced lasting films such as “Journey to Chesabee” and “Hiva”, has raised explicit protests over the quality of the city’s billboard.
According to ISNA, Ali Mollagolipour, who also directs himself, protested on his personal page in a cyber page against a photo of his father, along with another late cinema director Sidziauddin Dari.
In his context, he criticized what is the purpose of publishing this poor quality and precise occasion? He has raised.
He believes that with the first search they have chosen each image in the search, while taking a better photo of the media, the cinema house and the family.
The son of Mollagolipour also found the photo of Seyedziauddin Dari in this poster.