According to the news agency Online newsin the continuation of the special screenings of documentary films in the Cinema Museum under the title “Documentary Nights” with the participation of the Association of Documentary Cinema Producers, the films “Ya Zaman Aho”, “The Hills of Qaitarieh”, “P like a Pelican” will be screened in the Ferdous Hall of the Cinema Museum. .
In the meeting of Documentary Nights, which will be held on Monday, July 18 at 17:00, “Mohammed Moghadam” documentary maker and Mehrdad Farahani, critic and researcher of documentary cinema, will talk about films.
“Ya Zaman Aho” is a documentary that deals with the secret and needs of the pilgrims of the holy shrine of Razavi and the rituals of pilgrimage in the shrine.
Qaitariya Hills In 1347, Qaitariya Hills witnessed one of the biggest archaeological discoveries in the world, and in a construction operation, 350 ancient graves, single and double burials, and nearly 5000 intact bronze and clay objects were obtained from Qaitariya Hill.
In 25 minutes, this film, starring Agha Seyed Ali Mirza, presents a poetic narrative of waiting and reaching, the waiting and connection of a man who lived in the ruins of Tabas Citadel since his youth and did not come to the city for 40 years.