A bad and unpleasant surprise! A few words about Mohsen Amiryousofi’s film

Trust cinema Massoud Sadeghi wrote in Etemad newspaper:

From the point of view of the structure of the script, the Qif film has a simple plot of the opening type, in which the protagonist named Qif was separated from his family in another planet during his teenage years and came to earth in the process of character development, and on the way back he faced challenges from a demonic group. It turns out. The process of events is simple and its examples can be found in literary and cinematographic works for children and adolescents, with the difference that the characters, dialogues, topics and references above 18 years separate this film from the group of works for children and adolescents.

Therefore, the audience of Kaif is neither children nor teenagers, nor adults, because its content and plot are too simple and childish for adults, and its topics and dialogues are not suitable for children. Therefore, Kaif’s film is confused in targeting the audience. Perhaps the only attraction of Mohsen Amir Yousefi’s funnel is some trocages and special cinematic effects stand out in the context of a fantasy story. Here too, the form of fantasy work is childish, but the content is suitable for the adult group, and most importantly, this feature has the necessary depth to capture. Not so much that the situations and dialogues, both in terms of humor and conflict in Pirang, do not have the necessary depth to involve the audience.

For professional cinema audiences who know the careers of Mohsen Amir Yousefi, Saeed Malekan and Reza Attaran, such a combination of creators promised a special and creative work, and they had been following the news of its production and release for months, an expectation that turned into a surprise after watching the film. The sudden growth of sales in the first days of broadcast and the sudden fall of the box office is the result of this surprise.

Mohsen Amir Yousefi made the movie “Lovely Garbage” before “Qif”, which was creative from the point of view of technique and form of narration, and captivating and thought-provoking from the point of view of content and content, but I was surprised by Qif, this feeling of unpleasant surprise before In the recent period of Mehrjooi cinema, I had experienced a period that started with Orange Dressed and ended with Ghosts, which was reminiscent of Indian films decades ago, and in the same period, my favorite film Aseman was accompanied by the same fantasy simplicity and did not attract the audience.

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