According to Khabaronline news agency, citing the public relations of the Center for the Development of Documentary, Experimental and Animated Cinema, the number of viewers on Saturday, December 22, 1403 broke the record of the previous days and 2467 saw the movie in 18 screenings.
The total number of audience from the first day is 9984 people who saw the movie in 85 screenings. This statistic does not include the audiences of international workshops and films.
The most popular documentaries of the fifth day:
1. Elevator – Javad Rezaghizadeh
2. Dreamweaver and Qazi – Hossam Eslami
3. Professional – Masoud Taheri
The documentaries selected by the audience until the end of the fifth day:
1. Shagard – Jafar Sadeghi
2. Elevator – Javad Rezaghizadeh
3. Lab Shoor – Javad Watani
The 18th International Festival of Iranian Documentary Films “Cinema-Ghekrit” will end on Sunday, December 25.