About the turtle; Cinematic

Cinema Maryam Bahr al -Alumi

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The turtle, a crawling animal, with a bone cover called lacquer and only its heads, hands, feet and tail out of it. In the same sense of the primitive title of the film’s efficient title; Everything is ready for the main character of the Turtle Turtle to bring the audience with the unparalleled role of Farhad Aslani.

The Victory of the Honorable Psychiatrist who loves his young wife and the loss of losing after successive losses has brought him closer to a madness of his patients and a body -like turtle to imagine in his lacquer. . The film acts structurally, astonishing and surprising.

The director has made the technique a form to act sensitively and make the excitement simply and artistic on the cinema screen. A film that encompasses its different genre and space to reach home as a psychiatrist, a psychiatrist. The cinematic elements were entirely accompanied by the details of the script to infiltrate the layers well, and eventually the audience, in the face of cinema born of the unstoppable technique, art and storytelling, with fun. The same cinema that you undoubtedly ignore!

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