Amin Artman in an interview with Etemad: Our music universities are not behind the West

Trust cinema Simin Soleimani wrote in Etamed newspaper:

Music education in Iran is formed in different ways like many other disciplines; Sometimes students learn music in free schools and sometimes in universities; Sometimes masterclasses and workshops help in education. Nowadays, even education has moved towards online education. There are different opinions about learning and teaching music in the academic field. But is academic education in universities up-to-date or does it rely on old and traditional teaching methods? The points that Amin Artman, the son of Mohammad Reza, a well-known film and television director, put forward are in front of you.

Our universities are not behind the results of the West

Amin the artist

First, let me mention that I am only talking about the field of composition in which I specialize.

The fact is that the five people who have worked as faculty members in the field of composition in the last 10 years in the two universities of Tehran and Art, all of them in the 21st century and except for one, have completed their post-graduate studies in prestigious centers, which proves References are among the top 100 universities in the world for studying applied arts, including the University of Cologne, the University of Toronto, and the St. Petersburg Conservatory, in addition to the University of Essen in Germany. On the other hand, these professors have often used different opportunities to improve themselves in the form of composition or research.

For example, in the last five years, two of my articles have been published by Oxford University Press in the “Music Theory Spectrum” magazine, which in the latest Cymago validation has won the first place among all academic music journals in the world, and by Wiley Publishing in the “Music Analysis” magazine. is

These journals publish only the original achievements in the field of music with unimaginable rigor in refereeing, and their audience, who are academics at the highest level, refer to them frequently.

Therefore, the lack of up-to-date attitude of the professors in this field in general comparison with the West seems a little far from logic; But many things affect the whole of education, one of the most important of which is our historical and cultural backgrounds, which is a detailed issue. In short, the result of education and personal experiences before university, in many cases, reduces the impact of higher education and latent abilities in students. The history of our music and, as a result, individual experiences in composing are much more innovative compared to the West, and creativity in artistic work (unlike, for example, modeling the structure of a wheel) cannot be imitated, and it requires insight and artistic life, which usually has no shortcut.

On the other hand, composition trends and teaching methods are diverse all over the world, and some mistakenly think that, for example, composing or promoting tonal trends (of course with personal innovations in details) is not up-to-date, which, by the way, I see as completely regressive. Likewise, the continuing education of dozens of our graduates in the prestigious centers of the world and their international honors in the recent era, shows that along with factors such as individual effort and proper access to resources, in a general view, the performance of our universities cannot be far behind be the outcome of the west; Although we know the weaknesses better than anyone and try to fix them.

Composer and faculty member of Tehran University

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