Ashtianipour’s responses to popular voting of the Fajr Film Festival

Fajr Film Festival Popular Prize Director said that none of the first seven festival films in popular votes so far have requested to review their films’ statistics and information, saying that this year’s voting process was not only different from what was done by the cinema house in the past, but but also Even more precisely, this method prevents any violations and all information can be received.

Report CinemaAt the closing night of the Forty -third Fajr Film Festival, when the audience was introduced at the end of the Best Film Festival, the name of the winning film was surprising to many for various reasons, and no one predicted that the film “Peshmerg” without famous cinema stars, the Simorgh Festival Take home. Of course, although a few days have passed since the closing, both the refereeing results of the race are still in the discussion and the result of the best film voters from the viewer’s point of view.

In this regard, the director of the Festival’s People’s Award on the margins and the words and hadiths of the festival’s popular votes assures that what has been announced is the result of the audience’s vote, and that any film owner who has a protest or suspicion can request information that is now apparently. Of the top seven films, there are no demands to handle the votes.

Ali Ashtianipour explained the process of voting, but preferred to refrain from providing any film statistics for public publication because he considers them a trust that could be available at the request of the film owner.

At the beginning of the interview, he said at the beginning of the interview: This year the process of voting for popular cinemas has been carried out by the cinema house and as it used to be based on software used in previous years, but with the exception of Semfa (screen management and sales system) with more experience and power. It was able to manage ticket sales and provide code to buyers. In fact, the process of selecting the best film of people was not a major change this year, but perhaps more precisely every year.

He stated that in his years of responsibility for popular votes, films “Forever and One Day”, “Nimroz Adventure”, “Rusty Little Brains”, “Metrics and Half” and “Butterfly Swimming” with the same current software as the best software The popular film was selected “,” The Cinema House had no interference in popular voting over the past few years, and then the process stopped with the margins I was not in detail. This year, the Peshmerga movie won the title of Best Audience with the same program and according to the same way at the cinema house.

He noted: This year, all the tickets distributed by the organs and the owners of the works, as well as the tickets provided to the filmmakers, were not in popular opinion. There was also no extraordinary sessions in the people’s votes, so the votes were only based on tickets purchased by the people (each phone number at a maximum of four tickets) and registered in Samfa, and the way to create a process of buying a ticket is completely closed. It was. Of course, if one thinks that a group could mobilize people who buy a particular movie ticket, it would be possible for everyone.

He added: “In this system, after providing a ticket, a code was sent to the buyer via SMS, and when he entered the cinema, that code had to enter the system to deliver the main ticket.” Then another code was sent for voting, and since we were calling people who won the night draw every night, no one complained about the problem in the process.

Ashtianipour continued: “With five options, I did not like, I liked, middle, liked and liked, we provided a table based on the information and films of the festival, and we provided at least the capacity for all films by reviewing the sans and creating a kind of matching for all films. This year’s notable point was that people did not buy tickets as they used to buy a single -movie ticket, so one could be a better -selling movie and the other movie would sell, but in calculating the votes. Just the number of voters is the main criterion.

He said that about five years ago, the Cinema House invited a number of experts in the field of statistics to produce a specialized program for the vote, saying: “We were entering this software every night.” In fact, the segregated votes were given to the software based on points. The coefficients included in the table have five points that comprise from zero to four, they are gathered together and divided by the number of voters.

He said that “Peshmerga, Rahag and Musa Kleimullah films had some movements in the final days and due to the capacity of the film’s display halls, but until the last day they reached the capacity of the same conditions,” he said. For some owners, they say that their film has some great sessions or the halls with full capacity, so how another film has won the popular Simorgh, according to statistics experts, these are none of the impact. There is no voting in the process. If a movie reaches one point with 5 audiences, it will reach the same point with a thousand audiences because there are five options for voting that grow together to one ratio, as a result, the plurality of the population has no effect; That is, the impact of the statistics on the score. We have a lot of films that had a lot of audiences, but the ratio of their votes was lower than another. Most of the options that influenced the score of a movie that moved the votes are the two “I liked” and “very much” options, which have high scores. On the other hand, the film at the bottom of the list of popular votes and scored a score of 1.2 was about one -third of its “I did not like”, and one eleventh eleventh “I liked”, which was naturally a different effect of this coefficient. It has the overall score of the film.

Responding to the fact that several owners have been looking for information so far after the end of the festival, he said: “After the end of the festival, several people asked the rankings of their film, because they are the people and the filmmakers. Let me provide none of the films, but out of the first seven films of the festival, we had no written requests to get details of the movie statistics.

Whether he was present in the process of voting and reviewing the final results, as in the past? He said: In the past, there were paper opinions and the situation was different. There is now a system where everything is recorded and anyone can access all of them. However, we had a number of supervisors and inspections in the movie theaters who were also conducting the necessary investigations with the audience. Of course, in the cinemas, the owners of the work were also monitored, and we even had contacts that some were concerned about competing films, but our inspectors were reporting accurately and adapting the number of spectators in the hall with the codes sent; So I emphasize that this method prevents any violations and everything can be accessed, and now film owners can even talk to those who have voted for them to make sure the votes are accurate.

In another part of the conversation, Ashtianipour pointed out that over the past five years, the ratio of votes to the number of tickets purchased and spectators in cinemas decreased for many films and reached below 5 % this year; However, he had the experience of returning all the ballot papers to the box during the time when the votes were manually and paper. Of course, he explained: It was easier when the ballots were paid in paper, but it had its own drawbacks because except for the large number of people we had to be observed in this process, it happened that many of the People abandoned the ballot papers without comment, and they might have gathered and poured into the box.

He added: “Of course, in the past we would not vote at this level and the ratio of card distribution was much lower. However, statistics experts believe that the more the coefficient is, the more the results are achieved. This year’s winner was one of the oppressed films that neither the owner was looking for, nor even at the closing ceremony. When I talked to the film owner, he said he had no idea at all. About this film, it can be said that its “likes” votes was much higher and perhaps less overlooked by its spectators. Needless to say, the films “Raha” and “Peshmerga” were a short distance from each other, and we have previously announced that all film owners have the right to see their film’s position from the first day to the last day, and this is accessible with a written request.

The top seven films of the Fajr Festival and the four animations are the following (from the end to the first), respectively:

“God of War”: 1.3

“Beautiful Call”: 4.3

“Baby People”: 2.3

“Plain”: 2.3

“Moses Kleimullah”: 1.2

“Raha”: 1.2

Peshmerga: 1.2


“Zal and Rudabeh”: 1.2

“Legend of Sepehr”: 2.3

“Juliet and Shah”: 1.2

“Dolphin Boy”: 1.2


Source: ISNA

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