“Silk Sleep” is on the screen

According to Khabaronline news agency, citing the public relations of the film, the documentary “Silk Sleep” (Nahid Rezaei) is about the return of the director after twenty years to the school from which he graduated during the revolution years. He, who wants to answer his unanswered questions by recalling the past, tries to get a correct understanding of their current position in the society in the face of young girls who boldly speak about their wishes and dreams.

In addition to the film screening, Dr. Mohammad Javad Gholamreza Kashi and Nahid Rezaei are present in this meeting and they talk to the attendees about this documentary. “Silk Sleep” will be shown at 18:00 on Sunday, 14th of Bahman in the opposite building (Chahar Rah Wali Asr, El-Ghebanal St., on the northeast, Kianpur dead-end) and attendance at this meeting is free and open.
These meetings are held under the initiative of the Iranian Cinema Documentary Association and the People-Oriented Sociology Group of the Iranian Sociological Association with the cooperation of Robo Mansion.


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