According to Khabar Online News Agency, Raed Faridzadeh, the head of the Cinema Organization, on Tuesday night, 20 December, while attending the Charso Cinema Campus, the venue of the 18th Cinema Hekhrit Festival, told reporters: the capacity of documentary cinema is high. Part of it is to the domestic markets and the more important part is to be present in the international markets and supply the works in these markets.
According to IRNA, he added: I am sure that with the policy that exists in documentary cinema, documentary cinema will use this capacity. We will also help the cinema portfolio to be more diverse by screening documentaries.
Faridzadeh added: “Cinemahekrit has created a colorful party that anyone with any taste can attend, and this allows us to witness the growth and excellence of documentary cinema.”
The 18th International Festival of Iranian Documentary Films “Cinema-Ghekrit” has started from December 18th and continues until December 25th under the direction of Mohammad Hamidi Moghadam in Charso campus.