The landlord kicks my mother out of the house on the eve of her 100th birthday

cinema trust Tina Jalali wrote in Etemad newspaper: It was the afternoon and I was preparing the contents of the newspaper when an actor friend called me. From the tone of his speech, it was clear that he had an important job. After the greeting, he explained the problem that had happened to Mrs. Baghcheban and said: “The landlord is harassing Mrs. Baghcheban and raising the rent mercilessly.” He asked me to help them.

I couldn’t believe that Mrs. Baghcheban, a famous cultural figure, would face such a problem and face such a cruel person on the eve of her 100th birthday. I immediately called Dr. Behzadi, the manager in charge, and explained the story to them. Mr. Behzadi was also upset about this and told me to follow up on the matter.

But when I called the daughter of Mrs. Baghcheban and asked the reason for the issue, I found out that her main concern about raising this issue is not only for her mother, but for all artists, and she says: “I am saddened by the fact that many artists are moving away from Tehran, because They can’t afford the rent, should we leave Tehran? Life is really not easy and should my mother be thrown out of the house by the landlord on the eve of her hundredth birthday?

You can read the full text of “Trust” talks with Mrs. Maryam Bagcheban (Pirnazar) below.

Old lady! If you agree, let’s start from the beginning, why did Mrs. Baghcheban’s mother leave Iran?

You see, my mother left Iran at the beginning of the revolution, when Baghcheban school was confiscated, my mother was wanted for a while and was even banned from leaving. He even had to live underground for a while
As far as he could escape from Iran and go to America. Of course, he first went to Türkiye and then to France and from there to America.

When did you leave Iran?

I had left Iran two or three years before the revolution, when I got my diploma, of course, as you know, my mother had left Iran in the late twenties, that is, in 2029, to continue her education, but during Mossadegh’s time, they returned to Iran and wanted to live in Iran. , but after the revolution they were forced to migrate.

AHow long has it been since the mother returned to Iran?D?

It’s been three years since we returned to Iran, Mrs. Baghcheban always thought of returning to Iran one day. Whenever we talked, she said that she wanted to spend the last years of her life in Iran. As a result, it has been three years since we came to Iran and we live in Behjatabad complex. I work in publishing and considering that we live in the center of the city, we chose this house to be close to my work.

Old lady! It seems that your landlord is causing you discomfort and does not accompany your mother to stay at home.

Yes, he has been telling us for a year that he wants to sell the house, six months ago he renewed the lease for only six months and doubled the rent. Now that the extension period is over, he says you have to leave the house. Of course, we are not alone, the landlord and his sister, who are both owners, had the same harassment and harassment with an actor and a movie director, so they left this house and left, and of course other owners are also taking advantage of this artificial inflation.

You are right, of course it is necessary to point out that the issue of rent and the housing problem is annoying for all the citizens of Tehran, but the issue of culture and artists is a little different and they should be respected more, especially since Ms. Baghcheban has passed their age. and need a lot of care.

Yes, all citizens of Tehran are facing heavy rent problems, but let me tell you that the dimensions of housing problems are bigger than what we think.

What do they say about the rent increase?

There is talk that the rent here should be 4 times, my mother is 100 years old, of course, we paid the money she asked for in advance, but we definitely can’t afford to leave this house, these prices are not compatible with pensions at all, we have to leave Tehran, but I am saddened by this. Many artists are moving away from Tehran because they cannot afford the rent, should we leave Tehran? Life is really not easy and should my mother be thrown out of the house by the landlord on the eve of her hundredth birthday?

Does he know about the importance and position of your mother?

Yes, he knows my mother perfectly, but he keeps raising the prices, I really don’t know what these people think about cultural people who treat artists like this. Not only us, I know many artists are treated like this.

How much is the rent for the house you live in now?

400 million tomans ago, with 32 million per month… but they say he should rent 45 million per month. With an advance of 800 million tomans, but no, madam, we don’t have that kind of money to give him, we are leaving Tehran, but let me say this, this is not the behavior of a cultured person who has served this country for a lifetime, that is, someone who is on the verge of turning 100 years old. .

How many meters is the house?

It is 195 meters with three bedrooms. But the other units are 165 meters with 2 bedrooms.

Is the house old? How old is the house?

It is about 50 years old. This place was built for the middle class of the society since the time of the Shah, but when the revolution happened, some people destroyed it until the heads of artists and intellectuals were found here. The landlord bothers us a lot and we can’t pay the high rent.

We wish good health to Mrs. Baghcheban.

Based on the follow-up we had, we found out that even Hekmat had a lot of problems with the same landlord, to the point where the matter was brought to the court, but in the end, Hekmat got his right from him and won the court.
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