According to Cinema Etemad, Mehdi Shafiei wrote in Etemad newspaper:
In what circumstances was the election of Seyyed Abbas Salehi, a well-known face of culture, as the helmsman and trustee of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, and what messages could this election have?
1- The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance is the most important cultural pillar of the government of the Islamic Republic, which must play its role, especially in the field of regulation, along with other governmental institutions active in the field of culture and art. Although, in each era, due to various reasons, the importance and effectiveness of this pillar has decreased. Therefore, the choice of the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance will be the most key choice in showing the intellectual and cultural approach of the 14th government to the presidency of Masoud Mezikian, and it can be indicative of the government’s will to direct the determination of its possible paths.
2- Despite some different measures, the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance is suffering from the split between the people of culture and art and the government, so it needs a figure who can organize and transform the cultural atmosphere of the country and make the uneven path faster and smoother. The most important thing is to establish proper trust between the people of culture and art and the government. In addition to this, the new Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance should repair the ministry’s relationship with the society on the one hand and with the governing and higher-level and supervisory institutions on the other hand.
3- Masoud Mezikian, both during the election period and after, always had a special view on the issue of culture and art with a revolutionary approach. He considers a serious and transformational look at the field of culture based on the 7th development plans and the country’s vision document as a necessity. Therefore, a minister should be the helm of this ministry who has full knowledge of these programs and believes in them.
Based on this, Masoud Mezikian has reached the choice of Seyyed Abbas Salehi by examining all aspects. Seyed Abbas Salehi is one of the active people in the field of culture in the country, who, with seminary and university education, has been able to achieve a different record in this field during his years of being in the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. The field should be presented.
Seyyed Abbas Salehi has emerged from a different view of culture to work in this area away from the noise and politics with interaction and rule of law with ethical approaches. Seyyed Abbas Salehi is born from culture; Although he has a long familiarity with various branches of art, especially cinema and theater, he considers culture as a complete system; Regular and at the same time woven from all branches, it knows that it is not exclusive to one branch.
The proposed Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, along with a calm and friendly personality, believes in collective work, transformational, program-oriented with a combination of experienced and young forces. One of the emphases and approaches of Masoud Mezikian is youthfulness and the use of women’s capacity in government administration. With the presence of Seyyed Abbas Salehi in this post, this slogan will come to the fore, God willing. The experience of four years of Salehi’s ministry in the second government of Hassan Rouhani has proven this issue. Although he accepted this responsibility at the insistence of the previous ministers and his colleagues in the ministry and with the support of artists and people of culture. The average presence of young people in deputy and middle managers, headquarters, provincial and subordinate institutions during his ministry confirms this point. In addition to At the beginning of the formation of the mechanism of doctors for the selection of ministers, one of the main options of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance was Abbas Salehi, but due to his personality, he insisted several times to withdraw from the selection process as a minister, but considering the necessity and need The government of doctors and the approval of the governing authorities is now the most serious option of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. With respect to all the proposed options, he has the ability to use and give responsibility to other options of this ministry that have appropriate capacities.
Abbas Salehi, a man of interaction; He is a son of the school and university, a man of words and books and has theory in culture, art, media and religious fields. His presence in the culture of the three important sides of the country’s cultural apparatus will undoubtedly change and progress, and the cultural policies of the government will start and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance will move in the framework of the written program of the president.
And the last point is that Salehi is a child of culture. If he receives a vote of confidence from the parliament, he can do it with youth, program-oriented and innovative movements of a different era. Establish peace and trust, make the field of culture resistant and progressive, unite the people of culture and art, build trust between them and the government and make culture a mirror of the medical government.
Former editor in charge of Iran newspaper