cinema trust The movie “Autumn Lover”, the first directorial experience of Meysam Bidghi, produced by Sahar Sabbagh Sarasht, was ready for screening. This film with a combination of theater actors and experienced actors of cinema, television and some new faces is ready to participate in the 43rd Fajr Film Festival.
According to the media consultant of the project, Meysam Bidaghi has brought a different combination in front of the camera in “Autumn Lover”, which is considered his first directorial experience.
In this movie, Arya Delfani, who is a young theater actor, along with Hossein Mehri, Majid Pataki and Fahima Momeni, who are actors with a history of cinema and television, along with Samira Suki, Yasmin Khaled Brien and Makan Hasanpour, who are new faces, are the main actors. They make up this movie.
Mohammad Mohammadi, Morteza Sharaei, Karam Chilan, Saeed Bayat, Ibrahim Momeni, Seyed Hassan Parhizkar Azbari, Sahand Jafari, Mohammad Jafarpour, Nazem Balochi, Imran Neesi, etc. are other actors of the movie “Autumn Lover”.
This film, which is the fourth production experience of Sahar Sabbagh-Sorsht, is one of the works applying for participation in the 43rd Fajr Film Festival.
The main actors of this film will be introduced in the next news.