Trust cinema The short fiction film “Conks” directed by Dina Rezaei, co-produced by Ali Karim, Shura Rezaei and with the cooperation of Ali Moradi as the executive producer is the only short story film selected from Iran. Out of 8,500 films that applied for participation in the international section of the Clermont-Ferrand, France, it made it to the competitive section.
The short film “Conks” has its first screening in the main section of the 2025 Clermont-Ferrand Festival in France.
It should be noted that the Clermont-Ferrand Festival is the most important international short film festival.
The actors of this film are:
Actor: Yusuf Yazdani
Project manager: Peyman Sofard
Cinematography director: Farid Tahmasabi
Stage designer: Rihana Esmailian
Sound designer: Naeem Maschian
Special effects designer: Hadi Islami
Editor: Shahin Sepehri
Costume designer: Harika Sohrab Nejad
Stage secretary: Rana Bahrokh
Assistant director: Nadere Naderi
Photographer: Faye Khorasani
Production manager: Abolfazl Gholamhosseini
Produced in: longtakefilms