Trust cinema The spokesperson of the judicial branch, pointing out that the song against Dosti is not a no-fly zone, said: “The national card of Alidosti’s song has no restrictions, and we do not confirm this issue, and we do not have a ban on the name of No-fly Zone. »
Regarding this comment, Zahra Minvi, the lawyer of “Taraneh Alidosti” told Sharq: “I also read the words of the spokesperson of the judicial branch. They clearly say that Mrs. Alidousti is not banned from flying, and the judiciary has not given an order, and her national code is not blocked either. In the conversation I had earlier, I explained that Ms. Alidousti’s national card is not blocked because she has access to their accounts, but it seems that she has been denied some services, including flights! We check the ticket purchase site every day. He cannot get a ticket with his national code for any flight. I can provide you with the screenshot of the screen I got from the airline agency. If you look carefully, you will see that when Mrs. Alidosti’s national code is entered, we will encounter a different error. It says that this national passenger code has an error and gives the error number 10293, which we don’t know what this error can mean, and it is with this error that they cannot get a ticket. »
Minoui mentions in another part of his speech: “I myself have followed up in the cases that they have had in the judiciary in the past, and no such order has been issued in this regard.” In fact, such a conviction is basically not legal and is against the fundamental principles of the criminal law, including the principle of the legality of crime and punishment, it does not exist in our law, and no such punishment has been communicated to them at all. Therefore, it must have happened outside the judiciary. It means that something has happened beyond the framework of the law. The judiciary is the guardian of the rule of law. When a law that essentially doesn’t exist is being enforced, we have no choice but to demand answers from the judiciary. Implementation of extra-legal order causes the judicial system to be weakened. Banning a citizen from flying is something outside the law and outside the framework and rules, it seems that a restriction is being applied based on a personal taste or anything that is illegal. A deprivation that is one of the fundamental rights of a person. »
A few days ago, it was announced that “Traneh Alidousti” planned to travel to Qeshm with his daughter, but due to the flight ban, he could not buy any tickets. It was found that it is not possible to buy any ticket with his national code. This issue met with a wide reaction.